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Small business CCTV

SAT-Planet provide best service that suits your needs !

Any pub business requires both security and management controls to ensure profitability. A pub is especially vulnerable to both staff and customer misconduct, which requires surveillance monitoring.

SAT-Planet Pub CCTV Sligo systems are specifically suited to provide pub owners with a high level of scrutiny over their business. Using between 2 and 32 cameras, our security systems can cover every facet of the business including, counters, cash registers, hallways, entrances, and exits.

Unlike other businesses, pubs are prone to misbehaviour by drunken patrons. Fights and other incidents frequently occur, and can lead to litigation and other legal disputes. Pub owners are also required by law to maintain security for all clients.

Additionally, workers in pubs regularly steal the takings from the register or by colluding with customers. Furthermore, it is difficult to weed out workers who do not pull their weight especially during busy weekends. The only way of monitoring all these events is by installing CCTV for pubs in Ireland.

We installing  best CCTV systems on the market today, wich allow remote monitoring. This simply means that business owners can monitor their businesses from anywhere without being physically present in their business premises. To be able to remotely monitor your business from anywhere, you just need internet access and a computing device i.e. a computer, laptop, Smartphone or any other device capable of accessing the internet and streaming live videos.

You can travel anywhere in the world and still be able to monitor your business real-time. You don’t therefore have to worry about employee productivity decreasing when you are away. Remote monitoring also reduces the cost of doing business when you are away since you don’t need to hire anyone to monitor your business when you are away. 

We can install CCTV Systems in your business place. Please contact us,to discuss your requirements.
Our technicians are local and experienced in recommending the correct equipment that suit your needs. 
We offer you peace of mind when working in and around your property, as you are partnering with a family-friendly, local provider, and we carry all necessary safety accreditations and insurances. 
Ask our free advice.

 Contact SAT-Planet with Confidence as our work is 100% Guaranteed 

Call: 071-9162757

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CCTV Installation

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CCTV System

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Sample of Security Camera video